That was slightly more than the$ 7.32 trillion banks had extended in October 2008, the last time credit peaked. 这个数字略高于2008年10月、上次美国银行业贷款规模见顶时的7.32万亿美元。
And they are getting much larger& entire documents, such as purchase orders with extended shipping information, credit reports, detailed maps, and product catalogs, are "flying" in-and-out. 并且它们还在不断地增大,即信息交换中使用的是整个文档(如附带配送信息、信用报告、详细地图和产品目录的购买订单)。
Some institutions have suffered losses as the result of investments they made in complex financial instruments linked to us subprime mortgages ( loans extended to people with sketchy credit histories). 由于投资于与美国次级抵押贷款(发放给信用记录不佳的客户的贷款)相关的复杂金融工具,一些机构已蒙受损失。
These sorts of margin rules already exist for equities and must be extended to the credit markets. 对于股票,这种类似保证金的规定已经存在,我们必须将它扩展到信贷市场。
It engineered the rescue of Bear Stearns and extended emergency credit to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because it judged that the systems might not withstand their collapse. 美联储策划了对贝尔斯登的救助,并向房利美和房地美提供了紧急信贷,因为它判断,金融体系可能无法承受“两房”的崩溃。
Its mistake was to cut interest rates so dramatically at the same time that it extended its credit facilities. 美联储的失误在于,在大幅降息的同时延展了信贷安排。
The store extended credit privileges to us. 该商店给予我们信贷特权。
That means more cards and extended credit lines to current users and their demographic and psychographic cohorts. 这对信用卡的拥有者和使用者来说意味着拥有更多的信用卡和更高的信用额度。
However, some$ 700bn of these securities are linked to "subprime" debt ( or loans extended to households with poor credit history), while there are also another$ 600bn of so-called "alt A" securities, or those of slightly highly credit quality. 不过,这些债券中大约7000亿美元与次级债(即发放给信用记录较差家庭的贷款)相关,同时另外还有6000亿美元所谓的Alta证券,即那些信贷质量略高的证券。
It enables him to make purchases but does not offer extended credit, the full amount of the debt incurred having to be settled at the end of a specified period. 它使持卡人能够进行购买活动而不需增加其帐户信用,发生的债务总额必须在一个特定的期限末结算。
The maximum amount of credit extended to a customer. Our shop sells goods for cash only, and does not give credit. Thanks for your understanding. 最大透支额允许客人赊账的最大量本店不赊账,一律银货两讫,请顾客谅解。
Banks need to know they can access reasonably priced credit for an extended period to continue to extend new credit lines. 银行需要知道,它们能够长期获得定价合理的信贷,以持续发放新的信贷。
Interest is charged on the amount of any extended credit and the holder is sometimes charged an annual fee. 任何延期信用会被收取利息并且持卡人有时要交纳年度费用。
Through the development of this system, the batch business of ICBC is extended, customers 'requirements are met, the credit standing is advanced, the income of the bank is increased and competing power is enhanced. 通过本系统的开发,扩展了工商银行的批量业务,满足了需要实时批量业务客户的需求,提升了银行的信誉,增加了银行中间业务的收益,提高了银行的竞争力。
The rating objects are extended to all clients having credit operation with banks from the ones borrowing from banks; 评级对象由仅办理贷款业务的客户扩展为所有办理信贷业务的客户;
Considering the non-normal distribution and high dimensionality of sample data from Chinese commercial banks, the paper introduces extended data envelopment analysis-discriminant analysis to credit risk evaluation in commercial banks. 考虑到我国商业银行样本数据分布的非正态性和多维性特点,文章将扩展的数据包络判别模型引入商业银行信用风险评估中。
Finally I extended an explorative study on sensible methods in the Credit management. The Theoretical Analysis of Loan Information Registration System and Commitment Loan System 最后对综合授信管理制度进行详细叙述。论银行信贷登记咨询制度与统一授信制度
In the early days of New China, in order to enliven rural finance and promote the restoration and development of rural economy the state extended a lot of agricultural credit. 建国初期,为了活跃农村金融,促进农村经济的恢复与发展,国家大力举办了农贷。
S bank extended OBU business and Taiwan businessmen in mainland China direct credit business success. It proved that the banks must have the financial ability to innovate could we maintain the competitive edge and improve business performance. 3. S银行推展OBU业务及大陆台商直接授信业务成功,证明银行具有会融创新能力,是维持竞争优势,提高经营绩效的重要因素。